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regular way (交易所的)普通交易。


Finally , as a main basis to form objective system of sgee , a target system of sgee ' s briskness measure has been given out simply and clearly by those two results , the author has completed the four designs of sgee ' s em from principle structure to practical use , that is : the pressure em for worker ' s to be effectively consciousness the payment em based upon the conclusion in the research that the model of management by objective should be mainly adopted in sgee ; according to situation of sgee , this mechanism has feature of simple contribution estimation , and comprehensive measure about present and long term contribution of workers the concept em that could be used to greatly raise condensation force in enterprise the growth em that is favorable to bring up excellent talent finally , the ibm system as a exploratory , the rules of operation and regulation were put forward about ibm of sgee in this paper , include : influence factors of living cycle of iem laying and operating programs based on the need of practical uses a measure model of relation effect of iem , based on the newton second theorem regular ways to iem based on the control theory 為尋找實用性較強的機制參數(變量) ,本文對發電企業內外部環境進行了分析,其中,內部環境分析以研究后重組的活力構成要素為線索展開,通過逐項延伸分析,簡明扼要地提出了發電企業活力衡量指標體系,作為形成發電企業目標樹圖的主要依據。以上兩方面的工作成果,使筆者最終完成了發電企業四項激勵機制從原理、結構到實用性的綜合設計,即: ?有效激發員工市場競爭意識的壓力激勵機制。 ?基于發電企業應當主要采用目標管理模式這一研究結論的報酬激勵機制,它的最大特點是簡化了績效評價,針對發電企業現狀,在機制中注入了人本管理思想,綜合考慮了員工對企業當前和長遠利益的貢獻。

Three precautionary measures to prevent natural gas hydrates in pipe from blocking are put forward , that is , not to used bending pipe if possible during construction stage ; increasing pigging frequency before pipeline commissioning to elimninate water within pipe ; injecting inhibitor in regular way 提出了三項預防水化物的措施:施工階段避免過多使用彎管;投產前增加吹掃次數,徹底清除水;運行初期定期注入抑制劑。

And prove the performance of raster sensors satisfies the requirement of our micromanipulation system . research the close loop control theory and the regular ways of process control . set up our micromanipulation system transfer function 對光柵傳感器的工作原理和應用進行分析,完成光柵傳感器的安裝調試,實現光柵傳感器的計算機控制,并通過實驗驗證光柵傳感器的工作狀況,滿足本系統的技術要求。

There are utilities capable of tracing and restoring deleted files , therefore you should never delete files containing sensitive information in the regular way 但是這樣不能真正刪除文件,有多種方法可以重儲被刪除文件,因此刪除敏感題材文件時使用普通的刪除方法不可靠

Set up your client workstation to point to this database in the regular way , and add the database to the available databases in your c builder data explorer 以常規方式設置客戶機工作站指向該數據庫,并將數據庫添加到c # builder data explorer的可用數據庫中。

In other words , archangels can either move / attack in the regular way , or the player can select resurrect special ability and use it on a stack of friendly units 也就是說,大天使通常可以移動或攻擊,而玩家可以手動選擇復活特技并對一個本方分隊使用。

A young monk in an age - old temple goes down the hill alone to tote drinking water every day , leading a regular way of life 改編的。生動形象,妙趣橫生。古廟里有個小和尚,他每天獨個兒下山挑水吃,生活得很有絳理。

Do you charge in favourable regular way ? if yes , it is will increase the amount of money of favourable time slot in this account first 您是否以優惠固定方式收費?將先在該帳戶增加優惠時間段的金額

First , let us reassure you that most women with genital herpes can have healthy , normal babies the regular way 首先,你要放心大部分患有生殖器皰疹的婦女通常都能有健康正常的寶寶。

“ it don t make no difference how foolish it is , it s the right way - and it s the regular way 這有多蠢!湯姆。 ” “蠢不蠢有什么關系,反正該這么辦這是規矩。

No , sir , we ll just go on and ransom them in the regular way . 先生,不,我們還是要按照通常的規矩勒索贖金。 ”

What comes in the regular way over the pulpit is hot enough for i 在那邊教堂里的定期講道對我已經夠多的了。 ”

You know , the regular way 就你知道的,用平常的方法

But it ' s so hard to get to see you the regular way , and 但用正常的途徑很不容易見到你,而且